Posted: September 28, 2017 7:00 am
Do you have ADD or ADHD? If so, do you know which of the 7 types you have? There is a way to know for sure.
Here are the signs and symptoms of ADD Type 2 (also known as Inattentive ADD):
ADD Core Symptoms
Though each of the ADD subtypes has its own set of symptoms, they all share the same core symptoms.
- A short attention span for regular, routine, everyday tasks (homework, chores, etc.)
- Distractibility
- Organization problems (like having a messy room, always running late, etc.)
- Procrastination
- Forgetfulness
- Problems with follow-through
- Poor impulse control (saying or doing something before thinking it through)
ADD Type 2 Symptoms
In addition to the core symptoms, the unique characteristics of Type 2/Inattentive ADD include:
- Difficulty maintaining focus
- Tendency to lose things
- Making careless mistakes; poor attention to detail
- Complaints of being bored
- Appearing unmotivated or apathetic
- Being tired, sluggish or slow moving
- Appearing “spacey” or preoccupied
ADD Quick Facts
- Inattentive ADD is the second most common type of ADD.
- Those with Inattentive ADD tend to be introverted and may have trouble finding motivation in life.
- People with Type 2 ADD are frequently found daydreaming or looking out the window.
- Along with struggling to complete academic tasks, children with Inattentive ADD may have difficulty listening, processing verbal instructions, and following directions.
- Children with Inattentive ADD are often ignored because they are less likely to cause a disruption in class.
- Many children with Inattentive ADD are extremely intelligent.
- While the academic performance of Type 2 students may be satisfactory in elementary and middle school, their tendency to internalize their ADD symptoms and not seek treatment may cause them to hit a wall in high school.
- Adolescents with Inattentive ADD may struggle with stress, time management, and chronic anxiety.
- Girls tend to have Type 2 ADD as much if not more than boys.
- Inattentive ADD is commonly misdiagnosed as a learning disability.
- People with Type 2 don’t show the impulsive and hyperactive traits that are typically associated with ADD, so, unfortunately, many of them are never diagnosed.
Implementing these six tips will help you manage the symptoms of ADD Type 2:

Behavior therapy can equip parents with the tools necessary to help their Type 2 child thrive in school and life. One effective behavioral technique for Type 2 kids is to set up a reward system: reward good behavior and withhold privileges when negative behaviors occur.
Since children with Inattentive ADD often become frustrated when they are unable to attain their goals, giving clear and simple instructions is essential to set them up for success. Children with Inattentive ADD respond better to straightforward directions that establish fair and realistic expectations.
Children with Inattentive ADD will find smaller tasks (or larger tasks broken down into smaller goals) easier to accomplish. Simply telling your child to clean up their room will not suffice. A child with Inattentive ADD will understand their task better if you say: “Put away the clothes on your bed. Then pick up the toys on the floor and put them in your toy box.”
Writing down tasks and creating a checklist for your child is even better than breaking down tasks verbally. Your child will feel a sense of accomplishment when they visually see their goals being achieved.
It’s important to educate your child about Inattentive ADD. Parents should inform their child of the positive traits associated with Inattentive ADD and help them learn coping mechanisms and strategies for critical thinking.
Like many other mental health conditions, ADD is not just a single and simple disorder; therefore, treatment is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each of the seven types of ADD requires a different treatment plan. What works for one person with ADD may not work for another—or could even make the symptoms worse!
ADD is a neurobiological disorder with serious psychological and social consequences. Amen Clinics is here to help you understand your brain and provide treatment options that address more than just symptoms.
Healing ADD starts with knowing if you have it and then finding out which type you have. We’ve helped tens of thousands of people with ADD from all over the world. If you suspect that you or a loved one might have ADD, don’t wait to get help. Call us today at 855-978-1363 or visit us online to schedule a visit.