Monarch makes every attempt to support students who need financial aid. Our Financial Assistance Committee considers each application on an individual basis. The determination of need is based on a standard application process that requires all financial aid applicants to submit specific financial data by a specific deadline.
The financial aid budget is determined each school year and provides funds for partial tuition assistance. There are no full tuition scholarships granted as the Financial Aid Committee expects to see the parents’ willingness to make a commitment. Monarch has contracted with FAST (Financial Aid for School Tuition) to process all financial aid applications and provide an objective evaluation of each family’s need. The intent of the Financial Assistance Program is that no student be deterred by financial reasons from applying to Monarch.
Financial aid decisions are made separately from and independently of admissions decisions. Every scholarship is made for one academic school year, and the family must reapply each year in order to be considered for assistance. Families who receive a scholarship can usually expect financial aid to be continued throughout the student’s enrollment; however, the Financial Aid Committee may reduce awards or deny subsequent grant requests if the family’s financial condition improves.
returning to Monarch must follow the standard financial aid
application process and meet the stated deadlines as communicated in
the Instructions for Online Re-Enrollment via RenWeb. Deadlines must
be strictly observed.
Families in Admissions Process
applicants being considered for rolling admissions (i.e., enrolling
after the first day of school) are encouraged to submit financial aid
applications, as needed.
Tuition Assistance for Current Families
Tuition Assistance for New Families
Visit our FAQ section for commonly asked questions:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If you have any additional questions, you may contact our Admissions department at 713-479-0800.
Monarch would like to acknowledge the following donors who contributed towards our Tuition Assistance Fund:
Bauer Foundation
Ruth and Ted Bauer Foundation
Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron
CFP Foundation
Charity Guild of
Catholic Women
Fluor Corporation (Fluor Cares)
& Ethel Herzstein