Blended Families

Stepparenting: It Takes Two

By Ron Deal Part of the Parenting in Blended Families Series Blended Families Parenting In Blended Families Smart Stepparenting Stepparenting: It Takes Two The Smart Stepparent Series About: Single/Blended Family Parenting Fuse/Thinkstock Grow into Your Role Stepparenting changes as relationships grow. “Early in remarriage, the most successful stepparent-stepchild relationships are those where the stepparent focuses first on …

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Stepfamily Success: How Do You Know When You Can Relax?

A BLOG ABOUT MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH BY SALLY CONNOLLY, LCSW, LMFT Sally Connolly, LCSW, LMFT has been a therapist for over 30 years, specializing in work with couples, families and relationships. She has expertise with clients …Read More Do you wonder if your stepfamily will ever “blend”? Do you know what happens in a “healthy” stepfamily? How …

Stepfamily Success: How Do You Know When You Can Relax? Read More »

making a good mix: seven tips for stepparenting and blended families

Developing happy and harmonious relationships in any family comes with its challenges, but blending two different families has its own particular bumps and bright spots.  It can take several years, or more, for stepfamilies to find a groove that is comfortable for everyone. The early years can be particularly challenging.  Not only are new couples …

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Blended Family and Step-Parenting Tips

How to Bond with Your Stepchildren and Deal with Stepfamily Issues Since many remarriages include children from previous relationships, blended families or stepfamilies are more common than ever. When families “blend,” though, it rarely progresses smoothly. Some children may resist changes, while you as a parent can become frustrated when your new family doesn’t function …

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